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CoARA: First Call for Working Groups and National Chapters

On 28 March 2023, CoARA launched a call to all Coalition members for proposals of Working Groups and National Chapters. This is the first time such a call is launched since the Coalition’s inception in December 2022. This call is a significant step in the Coalition’s action responding to the need to reform research assessment. Operating as ‘communities of practice’ under the principles of mutual learning and collaboration, the developed outputs of these Working Groups will support CoARA members in their implementation of the commitments agreed upon when joining the Coalition.

Compositions of Working Groups

Three types of Working Groups (interest, discipline and institutional communities) are aimed to be formed, with the objective to build upon what is already being done within the community and to add value. In addition, inclusivity is a major driver for the composition of the Working Groups, as they are expected to involve organisations of varying types and sizes, from different geographical areas, and participants of all career stages. Following a three staged approach, Expressions of Interest are submitted by April, 27, followed by a community discussion, cumulating in a full working group proposal by June, 6. All applicants submitting a working group proposal will be informed of the outcome of the selection process by 13 July 2023. A short evaluation report will also be provided.

National Chapters

In addition, CoARA calls for proposals of National Chapters. National Chapters will contribute to CoARA’s work by facilitating the exchange of knowledge, mutual learning and discussions on CoARA-relevant issues specific to different types of organisations of a given country. There is no limit as to the number of National Chapters that can be approved, however for now there cannot be more than one per country. Proposals for National Chapters will continuously be assessed on a monthly basis starting 6th of June 2023.

Find more information on the criteria and procedure of the call for working groups and national chapters on the CoARA website.


Recognition & Rewards annual report 2022

The Recognition & Rewards Annual Report 2022 was released today. The annual report contains a comprehensive overview of the activities undertaken from the joint programme.

The Joint Programme Recognition & Rewards was launched in 2020 to realise the goals of the position paper Room for Everyone’s Talent. Also in 2022, the national programme team commissioned by the steering committee worked hard to realise these goals. By means of the annual report, we want to make the steps we have taken together more visible.

Many of the activities in this annual report were initiated by the national programme team, often in consultation with the project leaders of the local Recognition & Rewards Committees.This annual report therefore explicitly assumes the joint programme efforts. Developments within individual institutions are less discussed in this report. This does not mean that little is happening within the various institutions, quite the contrary. Each partner within this programme chooses its own approach to change, prioritisation and pace to suit its own context. Where possible, we provide an overview of key pilots, experiments, successes, challenges and dilemmas.


Implementation Recognition & Rewards started – Maastricht University

An update from Maastricht University: 

The Recognition & Rewards programme has entered a new phase. Now that the academic profiles have been adopted, all UM academics – together with their managers – will be able to shape their own academic career path in 2023; one with a personal focus that matches their development plan and the development and needs of the organisation.

Academic profiles have been drawn up for three job groups: one for assistant, associate & full professors (with or without patient care) and separate profiles for research or teaching. In the teaching and research profiles, the UM job titles have been changed, as requested by our community, when compared to the national university job classification system (Teacher/Researcher 1 to 4). The academic profiles serve as guidelines for academics – together with their leadership – to shape their academic careers. They provide clarity on what is expected of academics. Their leadership and assessors can also use the profiles as a guide. They are not checklists, but tools for a comprehensive and ongoing dialogue on development.

Components of the profiles
Each profile always starts with the core UM values that every UM employee should develop: academic citizenship, personal/professional leadership, teamwork and impact, and Open Science (if applicable). In addition, the profile contains assessment components for each job group. From the level of assistant professor onwards, every academic combines the core activities of teaching and research (and patient care in appropriate cases) to some extent. In addition, elective components offer plenty of opportunities to specialise in one or more domains.

Where are we now?
In autumn 2022, an implementation meeting took place in each faculty including all department chairs and members of the assessment committees. During 2023, they will draw up a personalised academic profile with each academic in their department. Each faculty will inform their own academic staff about the next steps.

All academic profiles, with a clear schematic representation of all development components, can be found on the website. In order to conduct the development dialogue in line with these profiles, a format has been developed: the UM Career Compass. This Career Compass will most likely be available in the spring of 2023 (after completion of the decision-making process) and provides tools to support these dialogues. Leaflets summarising the various elements of the academic profiles will also be distributed via the department chairs (this leaflet can also be found in digital form on the website).

What’s next?
In the course of 2023, the processes around development and promotion (such as annual appraisals and assessment regulations) will be aligned with the philosophy of Recognition & Rewards. In addition, where necessary, faculties will review the composition and processes of the bodies and individuals involved in development and promotion.

Duiden van kwaliteiten van wetenschap

Adviesraad voor wetenschap, technologie en innovatie overhandigt adviesbrief aan Kamervoorzitter Vera Bergkamp

Op 19 december 2022 hebben AWTI-voorzitter Eppo Bruins en AWTI-raadslid Marleen Stikker een brief over het duiden van de kwaliteiten van wetenschap aangeboden aan Kamervoorzitter Vera Bergkamp. Met deze brief gaat de AWTI in op het verzoek van de vaste commissie voor Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap om inzichtelijk te maken hoe de kwaliteit van wetenschap vastgesteld kan worden. Vanuit het programma Erkennen en Waarderen hebben wij met veel interesse deze brief gelezen.

In de brief schetst de Adviesraad voor wetenschap, technologie en innovatie (AWTI) de verschillende manieren waarop de kwaliteit van wetenschap beoordeeld kan worden, wat daarvan voor- en nadelen zijn en welke nieuwe ontwikkelingen daarin gaande zijn.

Ook heeft de AWTI naar de internationale context gekeken. De AWTI schrijft dat een andere vorm van wetenschapsevaluatie de internationale positie of de reputatie van de Nederlandse wetenschap niet lijkt te bedreigen. Bovendien blijkt uit de internationale beweging die al gaande is dat een andere manier van erkennen en waarderen onvermijdelijk is. Nederland loopt daarin voorop, maar niet alleen aldus de AWTI. Vooroplopen biedt kansen om de richting te bepalen. Door het goed betrekken van internationale partners kan er verder vorm worden gegeven aan andere manieren van erkennen en waarderen.

Voor het programma Erkennen & Waarderen is dit advies van de AWTI motiverend. De brief belicht de verschillende perspectieven op het evalueren van kwaliteit. De AWTI geeft aan dat het anders evalueren van de kwaliteiten van de wetenschap voornamelijk een cultuurverandering is. Hierbij wijzen ze erop dat een dergelijke verandering tijd nodig heeft en het van belang is om stap voor stap aanpassingen te doen. Daaruit blijkt ook steun voor onze aanpak in het gezamenlijk ontwikkelen van een pluriform palet van methoden en indicatoren voor het beoordelen van kwaliteit. Binnen het Erkennen en Waarderen programma werken we namelijk samen, met een brede coalitie van universiteiten, universitair medische centra, onderzoeksinstituten en onderzoeksfinanciers aan de modernisering van het systeem van ‘erkennen en waarderen’. Het is volgens de AWTI van belang iedereen in de wetenschap te betrekken en in gesprek te blijven over de vragen, behoeftes, zorgen en mogelijkheden. Daarbij geeft de AWTI aan dat er niet één kwaliteit van wetenschap is. Door te experimenteren, de ontwikkelingen nauwgezet te volgen en de effecten in kaart te brengen is het mogelijk te leren wat wel of niet werkt en aanpassingen te doen.

Bovenstaande is in lijn met de veranderaanpak binnen het programma Erkennen & Waarderen. Met alle betrokkenen binnen het programma gaan we daarmee door in 2023 en de jaren erna.

De brieft van de AWTI is terug te vinden op hun website, via deze link.